Satellite image of the clouds above Europe

Over the Mediterranean and Balkan peninsula there is an area of high pressure. Over the N Adriatic region partly sunny weather with weak SW wind is expected today.

Northern Adriatic forecast

PDF - detailed forecast

Northern Adriatic morning
Northern Adriatic afternoon

Source: ARSO, last update: Today at 18:15

Forecast for the Croatian coast

Weather report issued by The Marine Meteorological Center Split on 05.05.2024 at 12


During the day a low risk of light isolated thunderstorms along the coast of the North Adriatic.


A field of high keeps staying across the Adriatic.

Weather forecast for the Adriatic for the first 12 hours

NW and SW winds, in the North Adriatic also SE wind 4-14 knots. The sea 1-2, in the open of the Central and South Adriatic 2-3. Visibility about 20 km. Mostly clear skies but in the North Adriatic with an intense cloud increase there is a risk of isolated rain showers with thunder.

Weather forecast for the next 12 hours

Calm or light variable winds and from the morning light to moderate, only in some places in the North Adriatic also fresh SE wind. The sea calm or smooth, in the open also slight. Mostly clear skies.

Source: DHMZ, last update: Today at 19:02

Wind - current and forecast